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We offer fluid system products, services, and training for the power generation, storage, and distribution sector.

The Power to Connect, Convey, Control, Customize

Keeping a power plant running is a 24-hour job. Something's always moving — and you can't stop either. It's on you to keep systems up and the lights on. So many moving parts to the equation. Corrective maintenance and lengthy shutdowns can shift the balance of power away from production and into lost revenue.

No matter what power industry segment you operate in, Swagelok stands behind you with the highest levels of quality, reliability, and performance, backed by over 75 years in the industry and meeting key standards, including ASME Section III. 

You can count on our team to deliver quality and reliable solutions under the most demanding conditions, meeting the requirements of Malaysia's power industry.


Our Services for the Power Industry

Our Products for the Power Industry

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Give us a call at 603.8084.1818 or email us.